Monday, December 1, 2008

Executive Mentor Program

When we were first given information about the executive mentor program I was really confused about what we would be doing. We met our mentors and not long after, I felt like she was helping me realize things that I think I might have already known but that I just wasn’t really paying attention to. One thing is how important time management is. Lee Pitre, my mentor, had us take home a sheet with spaces for us to fill out what we were doing with our days in 30 minute intervals. It was definitely an eye opener to see on paper how much time I waste and how much easier things could be if I would just use my time wisely. I think that the objective of this program is to really just show us a really successful person and allow us to see them as a role model. They have all done really cool things and been really successful and I think it was a way to show us we can do that to if we put our mind to it, stay motivated and do the work. It was pretty inspiring too to see how calm and collected Lee was. I feel like she really worked hard to get where she is today and it inspired me to just put the time and effort in. She was never stressed or uptight at all which was so cool. I guess I just know my parents as lawyers are both usually pretty stressed so to see an adult who wasn’t gave me some hope that there are jobs that can be something I love to do and that I won’t be stressed out about all the time.

I think as far as giving advice to other peers about seeking an executive mentor, I would just say do what you are told. I tried my hardest to take in what Lee told me to do but sometimes, I’ll admit, it was hard. I think I might have disappointed her a couple times, like when I would admit that I had missed a class. I really do appreciate the advice she gave me though. Every time we would go and talk to her I would always feel more motivated to work harder. I really look forward to learning more about her and what she does. I also look forward to more advice that she might have for us or tips on how to be successful. I think that Loyola has a lot to offer and I am excited to see more about different things I will be able to do here. Each day in business class, we had to turn in a business current event dealing with new technology, innovations, economy, etc. It was really interesting to have to do that so here is a great website to get updates in the business world.

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