Sunday, November 2, 2008

Time Management

After filling out the handouts that our mentor gave us at dinner, I feel embaressed to say that I spend a whole lot of time doing a whole lot of nothing. Although this week was different than others because my computer was broken. I did not have it all week and still do not have it so a lot of time that would have been spent on the computer, was spent doing other things which was pretty cool actually. It was refreshing to not be so sucked into the internet for once. I usually spend a lot of time doing really dumb things online. For example, one of my favorite things to do is make an online wishlist. Since money for spending on random things is limited, I love to get online and make a list of things that I want to get... eventually. So I basically just find myself doing stuff like that because I am bored and don't have a bike (haha).

Okay so here is a rundown of a couple of days for me....


So I have an 8:30 class on Wednesday's so I woke up around 8:20AM. I actually like to have to wake up early becuase I feel like I usually get way more done with my day. I went to class from 8:30 to 9:20AM. I had business class at 10:30 in the library so I decided that instead of going back to my room, I would just go in the library and get some other work done. I went and worked on some rough drafts for English class until business class started. I went over to business class and then went straight from there to my room to get ready for volunteering for the Obama campaign. I called my friend Clyde, who volunteers with me, and made sure he would be ready to leave at noon. I got ready from 11:30 to about 11:45. In between that time, I brushed my teeth and put on some comfortable clothes. I met up with clyde at 11:50 and we got in my car and headed down to maple street where we volunteer for the Obama campaign. We got to the Obama headquarters and made phone calls for people to go vote early from noon to 2:00PM. After we finished, I dropped Clyde back off at school and I headed back to the Northshore to go check on the progress of my computer and do some laundry at home. I got home at around 2:45 and went over to my dads house. I chatted with my dad for a little while and ate a banana somewhere in there. I also started my laundry so that it would be going while i was in the steam shower. I got in the steam shower at 3:15PM and probably got out at 4:30PM. That was a definate lazy time for me. My brother has told me that taking a steam shower makes you feel better and I hadn't been feeling so good. I actually fell asleep in there so I guess we could also count that hour as me taking a nap. At 4:30 I got out and switched my laundry and put in the second load. I went to my room and kind of just went through old clothes and stuff for about an hour. I was just kind of dily-dallying which I seem to do really well. My little brother was in town and my dad was making dinner so after just looking through old stuff in my room and kind of reorganizing for about 50 minutes, my dad called me in to help him with the dinner. I helped make some pasta and set the table. Along with this my dad and I talked and when I next looked at the clock it was about 6:30. The little boys started filing in the house one by one and I set the table and got them all something to drink. We all sat and just kind of chatted for about the next 20 minutes. One of Ethans friends dad's showed up and picked up the boys to go to the saint pauls game. At 7Pm, I met my friends Jenna and Matt at my moms house and we all went to Southern Tattoo so I could get my nose pierced. That little excursion took about an hour and then at about 8:30 I got back to my moms house and met my little brother there to take him back to my dads house. The rest of the night is sort of history becuase I got Ethan home around 9:30 and I hopped on the causeway and headed on back to school. At about 10:15 I got up to my room and just talked on the phone for a couple hours and then went to sleep.

It is weird to think how much can happen in one day and I never realized how much time I spend doing pretty worthless things. This experiment was interesting and what I did on Wednesday basically mirrors what I do on every other day. I just noticed when I read that though I don't think I spent any time doing homework. It is definitely interesting to look at my day broken up like that.